Adults Activities

Fight & Fit 1.0: “Fight & Fit 1.0” is our signature workout, a meditative, sweat-dripping, group workout that combines both boxing techniques and guided rounds on the heavy bag as well as head-to-toe conditioning. You’re led from start to finish through an empowering and process-driven, high-intensity experience that benefits both body and mind. You’ll leave feeling healthy, strong, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way. Don’t be scared off by misconceptions of fitness-based boxing/kickboxing classes. Beginners are welcomed with open arms at Fight & Fit. In fact, most of our members don’t have prior boxing/kickboxing experience. Before your first class, we’ll brief you on the techniques the instructors use and what to expect. Our gym is not a place of intimidation, so it’s easy to jump right in. Just come in sport’s shoes, water, and loose-fitting clothes and you’re ready to hit the bags..



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